I was approached by a Mormon missionary today outside the EP library. I understand they are on a mission but I don't appreciate them loitering outside the library. Anyway, she came up to me to tell me about the LDS and I declined to chat. She wanted to give me their website but I told her I've been to the Temple in Salt Lake City and learned as much as I felt I needed to know. She seemed a bit taken aback and let me move along.
I was thinking about it on the way home and was all prepared to do a post today about Mormonism. But then I started thinking that I might offend people, although to my knowledge I don't know anyone who is a practicing Mormon. I ultimately decided to post anyway--I hope I don't offend you. You have been warned!
A few years ago, the fam went to Utah to go skiing. We had a few hours to kill the day we left so we went down to the Temple to do the tour. Although I've been to the Temple Square a number of times (it is beautiful at Christmas!) I had never done the tour and was interested to see what they had to say. We sat through a presentation about the church and I remember thinking that it didn't seem so different from what I believe. The only thing that really stuck out is that the Mormons on duty seemed extremely interested in getting my personal information, which I declined to give. So I was intrigued and started doing some reading when I got home. I learned some interesting things and have to say that it didn't endear Mormonism to me. Like Joseph Smith digging up the magic oracles and reading the book of Mormon. Or being told by divine revelation to take up polygamy only to give it up a few years later after being threatened by the US Government. Or keeping your place of worship a secret place only for the highest up members. Or excommunicating people who leave the Mormon church. Or being required to give a certain amount of money to the church.
I have been a Christian since I was a child and I will say there are denominations of Christianity that I feel involve sketchy things much like the LDS Church. The older I get the more firmly I feel that denominations are all a bunch of nonsense anyway. Three things weird me out the most from the list above. Number one--not allowing many people into your place of worship. Most churches, synagogues, mosques, etc. are open to any and all that may want to enter. Seekers are usually not required to give out their personal information and are certainly not pressured to give it (I definitely was pressured at the Temple Square to give them my info). Number two--being required to give money at church. All churches ask for money, either directly or indirectly. But I haven't heard of many that consider a certain dollar amount a requirement for membership. I know there are probably some and I think that is wrong and against the spirit of giving. Number three--cutting ex-members out of your lives if they leave the church. Is that at all what Jesus asked us to do? No way! Love your neighbor. Period. And the Mormon church claims to believe in the Bible and its teachings.
So those are my thoughts. I could go on for a while but I won't. I know some of you reading this are thinking, "Well, Christianity is the same as Mormonism in my mind." I encourage you to speak with someone who can give you the information you need to understand the differences. I am not that person. I make decisions with my emotions rather than fact. I know that the missionary today will never convince me to go her way and I could never convince her to come mine. But I do admire their willingness to give up two years of time in order to find more converts. I don't know that I would be willing to do that.
Do you have thoughts on this? How do you deal with missionaries approaching you?
Vegetarian Baked Stuffed Shells
2 months ago
I know quite a few Mormons and have always been fascinated by the religion. I've done a lot of reading on it and think it's pretty whacked out, to be honest. Side note: If you haven't yet read "Under the Banner of Heaven", I highly, highly recommend it.
I just love how someone can make up a religion to suit his own desires (polygamy) and talk people into believing it. And the religion as a whole is pretty discriminatory towards women.
It's an interesting topic to be sure! :)
Rachy rach-
So interesting...I just listened to a sermon on the LDS church and it's differences from Christianity...I was gonna post but you beat me to it. You should certainly not feel sheepish about believing they are not Christians. Using the name Jesus doesn't make you so. They have many bizzare beliefs including (but not limited to):
1) God (the Father) was once a man like us who evolved to become God of this universe
2) God is originally from the planet Kolob (I'm not kidding)
3) God the father had spirit children- Jesus and Lucifer (that's right...Jesus and Satan are brothers)
Those three are just to name a few. But the bottom line is that they believe in many Gods of different universes. They believe Jesus is a created being and once a man like us who is evolving as well. That's what I mean...you ask if they believe in Jesus they will say "yes". It sure doesn't mean they worship the "same" Jesus we do. The book of Mormon is above the Bible and Christ's death on the cross is not sufficient for all sin. Major theological differences.
On the positive side. They are admirably dedicated to their faith in a way that should make many Christians blush. They spend two years of their life riding around on their bikes being mocked and laughed at because they are committed to sharing their faith. Meanwhile, we don't share our faith with close friends because we don't want to be embarassed! That is sobering. At least they are doing something! For these reasons, I believe we are to be respectful and humble to them (while still standing our ground). In fact, many of those on their mission aren't aware of the teaching of the LDS church--apparently you don't learn all this until you become a temple mormon. Anyhoo...I'm rambling. Good topic.
I forgot my favorite bizzare belief:
4) They believe the original Garden of Eden and the location of Christ's second coming is in Jackson County, Missouri.
All religions are made up. Mormons aren't any different than any of.
so, since i am married to aaron (and he is a freak show),naturally we invited the mormons into our home when they knocked. we proceeded to have them play worship songs on our piano and then aaron proceeded to tell them why he chooses his beliefs instead of theirts. it was a lovely afternoon when all was said and done, but i still laugh when i think about it.
and secondly, to comment on the note above....not all religions are made up. that is complete non-sense and mildly offensive.
Why is it nonsense? All religions are based on a set of beliefs and ideas. They were all begun by human beings, whether it be biblical times or 80 years ago. How is it any different? I don't have to believe any of it, but I can surely have respect for the fact that something "mad up" has hundreds upon thousands upon millions of followers. Does the fact that Mormonism was only created in the last century make it any less valid?
I personally did not find what you wrote offensive...but I did find it inaccurate. There absoultely are religions that have no accuracy. For example, there are no historians who deny Jesus Christ lived where the Bible says he did and died on a cross. Whether you believe he was the Son of God and rose after three days defeating sin IS a matter of faith. But many major aspects of Mormonism are completely unfounded...like their insistance that there were people groups here in the Americas before Biblical times...of which archaeologists have looked and found no proof. All I was writing is that there is a group of people who want to compare their beliefs with Christians, that have beliefs that DO NOT mix with Biblical teaching.
Regarding all religions being made up? I'm confused if you don't believe in God at all, or if you have disdain for religion. If you have disdain for religion, you are in good company! Jesus called the religious people "Broods of Vipers", teased them for tithing out of their spice rack, and the Bible compares religion to dirty menstrual rags (it's words...not mine)--and it was the religious folks that murdered him. So you're right, religion is man-made and made up. People who follow Jesus, however, know that it is not about "trying hard and being good"...cause none of us are or are able to. It is only "religion" that says you can't DO enough to please and understand God (the general definition of religion) But Jesus did do enough and we rely on that. Anyway, I'm trying to say having a relationship with Jesus is different than going to church and being "religious". If you haven't met him, consider it.
If you meant you don't believe in God at all...that puts you in a very small category of people. All I can say is even scientists and their explanations for why and how we are here require as much or more FAITH, is certainly a man-made belief system, and offers little to no hope, purpose or meaning to life. If you want I could give you a long list of scientists who admit the more they study the more they believe in a "intelligent design". So...can I prove that Christianity isn't made up? Nope. Can a scientist prove that their explanation isn't made up? Nope.
Anyway, I'm going on too long...I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I do believe in God. I think that human existence can't be a mistake and we're here for a reason, and for that, there has to be a higher power involved. As for religion, I'm not real into it. I love the study of it; I find world religions fascinating. I suppose the general term is "agnostic", but I'm not searching or anything. I've found a comfortable niche with my own ideas and beliefs.
And, I don't necessarily believe that Jesus is the son of God. It's not that I actively doubt it, I just don't really know what I think.
Regarding my statement that "all religions are made up", I was responding to the first comment, which said that someone made up a religion to suit their own lifestyle. And I, desperately trying to find the grey area in every situation, wanted to offer a more neutral minded opinion that it's not just Mormonism that is made up.
I think Religion and Faith are two different things. You don't need religion to have faith, but not the other way around. Personally I don't like the idea of having a system of beliefs attached to faith. Therein lies my beef with Religion as a whole. I think that my religious upbringing was a good starting block for me, and I have a bunch of ideas and beliefs of my own.
Basically, Jesus is my archetype. I don't have to believe he was the Son of God, but I can lead by his example. I like what he was about.
So, I hope that helps explain things a bit.
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