Have you checked out etsy.com? I am obsessed. I browse it almost on a daily basis. It is an online marketplace for crafty folks to sell their stuff. I mostly stay in the jewelry category but there are a ton of other categories to check out.
The best part for a cheapie like me is that the prices are super low. There isn't a store to pay so they can charge less. Plus, I now have jewelry that not everyone has. Good news since the only store I frequent is Target!
I just bought these Scrabble tile necklaces (homestudio.etsy.com). They were only $6.50 each and there are TONS of designs to choose from. I got three the first go round but am planning to get more. You can get a ball chain necklace from them and just switch the tiles out whenever you want. Love that! They have that casual, unique feel I've been looking for--being a stay at home mom, I don't usually get glammed up too often. I need stuff that looks good with yoga pants and hoodies (or, if I'm being honest, pajamas). Check them out!
Vegetarian Baked Stuffed Shells
2 months ago
I also know a good place to shop... my garage sale! No jewelry, just baby clothes...
love this website, my sister gets stuff from there all the time!
I will check out this site pronto! BTW, I took a jewelry making class this summer and now am obsessed with making jewelry for myself and let me tell you THAT is cheap trendiness! I'll have to make something for you sometime!
P.S. I finally updated my blog. Don't be a hater!
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