You probably read about that huge accident yesterday involving a bee truck. 2 women lost their lives. One was a 24 year old Bethel employee who was expecting her first child. Though they haven't released all the details of the accident, it seems clear that the 2 women (in different cars) were hit from behind by another truck and were crushed. A moment of inattention has changed 3 lives forever.
This was on my mind all day as I drove around town. The truth is, people on the roads are crazy. I am guilty of being one of them from time to time, I admit. I nearly got sideswiped by a guy this morning who changed lanes in front of me with no blinker--I had to hit the brakes to keep from being hit. Of course he had his Bluetooth shoved into his ear so he probably didn't think to see if anyone was next to him before moving over.
I too can be a crazy person on the road. I've had many moments I'm not proud of but of course I usually feel like I had a good reason for doing whatever I did. But I still am embarrassed by my behavior later. Is it the anonimity of the road that makes it easy for us to drive crazy?
Bottom line--pay attention out there. Most people don't seem to have a clue how their driving behavior affects the people around them. If we would all keep in mind the fact that we need to be aware of our situation at all times, this world would have less accidents. I have been hit 3 times in the past 5 years, all by drivers just not paying attention. That is 3 times too many.
And for the love, GET OFF YOUR PHONE!!!!!!
Vegetarian Baked Stuffed Shells
2 months ago